Massage therapist

Ki Massage

Sarnia, ON
Ki Massage

100% like it (5.0 / 27 Reviews )


Address: 429 Exmouth St #207, Sarnia, ON N7T 5P1, Canada MapGet Directions

Phone : +1 (519) 491-7841 Call


Ki Massage is a massage therapist located at 429 Exmouth St #207, N7V 2A9, Sarnia , ON.
It has received 27 reviews with an average rating of 5.0 stars.


This Massage therapist received 5.0 points from 27 customer reviews.

The address of Ki Massage is:

Ki Massage
429 Exmouth St #207
Sarnia, Ontario N7V 2A9
P: +15194917841

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Ki Massage Location